Terms and Conditions
All animals that are shipped have a live arrival guarantee.
All of our animals have a 7 day health pledge, except if the following exceptions apply:
You are not available to receive and sign for your package
The animal one claims they receive is not the animal we shipped ( We photograph every reptile that is produced and sent to their new home )
When sending out the animal you purchased, we assume you have researched which conditions would put your pet in jeopardy. There are NO refunds for buyers remorse. We do not condone impulse buying of the animals we offer, and hope that all buyers make sure they do all of their research prior to purchasing an animal. We highly suggest that before you purchase your animal, you have a set up already complete and awaiting the critter.
When we ship, an E-mail is sent to provide the buyer with a tracking number, and other pertinent information. It is the buyer's responsibility to provide a valid address. As stated above, you or a responsible party must be present to accept the package from your carrier on the first attempt. To reiterate, if the carrier must make a second attempt, there is no guarantee stated or implied.
We are not responsible for carrier delays or mishandling.
All animals that are sold will be classed CBB ( Captive bred and born), CB (Captive born), or WC (Wild caught). This will be clearly stated to you and on your invoice.
Any wholesale quantities, if offered, are guaranteed live arrival only.
Animals purchased at shows or conventions are live arrival only. For example, we cannot ensure the animals safety once they are in the buyers hands, or any affiliate responsible parties hands.
We do not take deposits on eggs that are unhatched, or partial payments, with the intent of holding an animal.
NO sales will be made to minors without parental permission.
Sunland Breeders is not responsible for any veterinary expenses or services. If you take an animal to a veterinarian, you do so of your own volition and expense.
In accordance with the FDA, all turtles and tortoises sold under 4" are to be sold for educational, export or research purposes only. They are not sold exclusively as pets. Please be aware of your local wildlife laws and regulations. No shipment will knowingly be sent in violation of any city, county, state or federal regulation.
Do not even ask.
Privacy Policy
At SunlandBreeders.com, we are very concerned with protecting your privacy. Any personal information we collect is used to better your experience. You may also Subscribe to our Quarterly newsletters, which will keep you up to day with what is going on.
You will not be flooded with useless e-mails from us.
We will not sell, rent, or trade any of your information.
If you would like to have any of the reptiles you bought from us featured on our Blog sends us an e-mail with a photo and short description, along with your permission to publish.
E-Mail Security
In general, E-Mails are not a secure place to send us delicate information.
DO NOT send us credit card numbers, and other sensitive information, via E-Mail.
Sunland Breeders Reserves the right to refuse the sale of any animal to any entity or individual.
Sunland Breeders also reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions stated above any time at our discretion.
Failure to read our Terms and Conditions as stated, whether intentional or accidental, under no circumstances makes them null and void
Copyright © 2018
All photos, videos, care sheets and descriptions on this site are the property of Sunland Breeders unless stated as otherwise; they may not be used, reused or manipulated without the permission of Sunland Breeders.